Diesel Additive System Improvments 5 Gallon:
Our multi-functional product is the first-rate choice for cleaning fuel systems and increasing fuel economy. This concentrated formula improves systems with faster warm up, decreased misfiring at lower air inlet temperatures, and provides detergent cleanliness for the entire fuel system. It also improves systems with superlative anti-wear protection for the injectors and fuel pumps, particularly for engines burning low sulfur and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels. Additional system improvements include lubrication of upper cylinders, fuel pumps, and injectors; rust and corrosion protection of entire system; and superior Cummins L-10 injector deposits test performance. All this, and it also alters existing injector deposits, thereby allowing their removal and passage into the combustion chamber, where they can be burned.
Use our super-grade additive to enjoy increased fuel economy, boosted fuel cetane rating, and exceptional usage with low sulfur fuel. It enhances fuel combustion, resists diesel fuel degradation, and disperses insoluble gums and varnishes in low quality fuels. Furthermore, this superior product decreases emissions exhaust smoke and particulates, reduces black smoke, and prevents oxidation during storage. It boasts extended storage stability, increased lubricity, and enables rapid moisture separation from fuel. In addition, it allows diesel fuel to meet NCWM's Premium Diesel Fuel Specifications, helps stop the formation of stable fuel water emulsion, and inhibits gelling.
Add 2.5 ounces per 20 gallons of diesel fuel. Add 1 gallon per 1,000 gallons in storage tank.